venerdì 27 marzo 2009

you're all a bunch of...

you're all a bunch of fucking idiots!
lettin' people tell you what you're gonna do! lettin' people push you around! how long do you think it's gonna last? how long are you gonna let it go on? how long are you gonna let 'em push you around? how long? maybe you like it! maybe you like being pushed around! maybe you love it! maybe you love getting your face stuck in the shit, come on!
maybe you love getting pushed around! you love it, don't you?! you love it! you're all a bunch of slaves! bunch of slaves! you're all a bunch of slaves! lettin' everybody push you around. what are you gonna do about it?! what are you gonna do about it?! what are you gonna do about it?! what are you gonna do about it?! what are you gonna do about it?! what are you gonna do?! what are you gonna do?! what are you gonna do?!
now, come on honey, now you go along home and wait for me sweetheart. i'll be there in just a little while! you see, i gotta go out in this car with these people, ... and get ... fucked up!
hey, i'm not talkin' about no revolution!
i'm not talkin' about no demonstration!
i'm not talkin' about gettin' out on the streets!
i'm talkin' about havin' some fun!
i'm talkin' about dancin'!
i'm talkin' about love your neighbour, till it hurts!
i'm talkin' about grab your friend!
i'm talkin' about love, i'm talkin' about some love, i'm
talkin' about some love, i'm talkin' about love, love,
love, love, love, love, love, love! grab your ...
ffffffuckin' friend and love him! come on!

martedì 24 marzo 2009

Noi viviamo insieme, agiamo e reagiamo gli uni agli altri; ma sempre, in tutte le circostanze, siamo soli. I martiri quando entrano nell'arena si tengono per mano; ma vengono crocifissi soli.

Just Thinking Of You

Watching whitecaps roll into the ocean of blue.
With a smile on my face just thinking of you.
The sweet memories, the tender moments we've shared.
They caress me like the soft breeze that fills the air.
The loving feeling I get when I hold your hand.
The summer night when we walked in the sand.
Waves splashing on the rocks along the shoreline.
Brings tears to my eyes knowing that your mine.
Sharing a love like ours my happy heart sighs.
Watching the violet clouds carelessly floating by.

A Feast of Friends

In that year
We had an intense visition
of energy

Wow, I'm sick of doubt
Live in the light of certain
Cruel bindings
The sevants have the power
dog-men & their mean women
pulling poor blankets over
our sailors
I'm sick of dour faces
Starong at me from the T.V.
Tower, I want roses in
my garden bower; dig?
Royal babies, rubies
must now replace aborted
Strangers in the mud
These mutants, blood-meal
for the plant that's plowed
they are waiting to take us into
the severed garden
Do you know how pale & wanton thrillful
comes death on a stranger hour
unannounced, unplanned for
like a scaring over-friendly guest you've
brought to bed
Death makes angels of us all
& gives us wings
where we had shoulders
smooth as raven's
No more money, no more fancy dress
This other kingdom seems by far the best
until its other jaw reveals incest
& loose obedience to a vegetable law
I will not go
Prefer a feast of friends
To the Giant family


Everyone has Their own magic
There is no death
so nothing matters
High style
Flash & forgive me
high button shoes
clean arrangement
messy breeding
love's triumph
everlasting hope & fulfillment

domenica 15 marzo 2009

Jim's death...till nothing!!

domenica 1 marzo 2009

When you're strange

È stato proiettato per la prima volta al Sundance Film Festival «When you're strange», nuovo documentario su The Doors. Una pellicola opera di Tom DiCillo, composta da immagini inedite che documenta la storia della band. A fare da voce narrante è stato chiamato Johnny Depp. Il Sundance ha lasciato nell’aria qualche bel film e un po’ di musica. Quella dei Doors, per esempio, è esplosa in When you’re strange. Il documentario, dedicato al gruppo di Jim Morrison, è una raccolta di spezzoni inediti sulla storia della band. Alla regia Tom Di Cillo. Al microfono mister Johnny Depp. Il buon Johnny presterà infatti la sua voce - calda e acida insieme - alla pellicola, diventando il narratore ufficiale del film. Johnny Depp attualmente ne sa una più del diavolo, e sentirlo scivolare nelle corde dei Doors non ci stupisce. Oltre a essere il Cappellaio matto per la versione gotica di Alice in Wonderland, Johnny Depp sarà infatti presto sul set de Il diario del Rum, al fianco della sexy Hamber Heard.
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